Collective actions
145. PODKhODYaShchAYa
10 pieces of fabric (100 x 150 cm) were hung on trees along a path at a distance of 30-50 metres from one another. (At the centre of each of canvas is a white letter set within a black circle, the 10 letters constituting the word PODKhODYaShchAYa.) The canvases with the letters were hung facing the path, such that it was not possible to read more than three letters at once (i.e. the word PODKhODYaShchAYa was stretched over 400 metres). Hereafter the organisers distributed to the viewers of the action factographic laminates (9 x 13 cm), each depicting one of the letters on the one side, and on the other, two English words – 'Appropriate / Арproaching'. Each of the words translates one of the meanings of the Russian word 'Podkhodyashchaya' ('suitable' and 'approaching in space'). After the participants of the action have left, the canvases with the letters were left behind at the place they were hung.
PS. The extra-demonstrational and most important part of the action is meant to be in the ‘approaching’ to the canvases by ‘anonymous viewers’ (passers-by in the park) and them taking the canvases down.
Losiny Ostrov, ‘Along Yauza’
14 March 2017
A. Monastyrski, I. Makarevich, E. Elagina, S. Romashko, M. Konstantinova.
A. Kuzkin, M. Leykin, M. Sumnina, Dim Khvorost, Jan Tamkovich, Yu. Ovchinnikova (video), D. Novgorodova, A. Atik, V. Osipov, Yu. Albert, V. Ledenev, Brian Droitcour.