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1204 (141). SUMMA

A circle of purple cloth of 5 metres diameter with the digit 1204 (the sum of numbers attributed to actions of CA, which were carried out at this place + the number of the action itself – Summa – 141) printed on it with white paint was spread out with the digit up on the Nina Hagen clearing path (a broad 'gas' clearing path, running parallel to the 'electrical' clearing path of Heidegger), which connects the Kievogorskoye field and the 'Field of polar explorers' to the south-east.

After which a drone with the video camera goPro was started above the circle, which went up to the height of 105 metres, filming the circle and the participants of the action around it (the low height, to which the drone has risen, could be explained by the fact that the aerodrome 'Sheremetyevo' is not far from the Kievogorskoye field, and the software of the drone contains a limit when started near aerodromes).

Then the video, taken by the drone, was viewed by the participants on the laptop that had been brought with.

The factography distributed to the viewers-participants was a laminated fragment of the map of the Kievogorskoye field with circles with numbers of the actions of CA, carried out on that place where the circle 1204 was

(These are No. 98 – “Action with Clocks” (19.04.2003), No. 99 – “Banner [Slogan]-2003”, No. 105 – “Banner [Slogan] 2005”, No. 108 – “K”, No. 111 – “Library-2007”, No. 131 – “Translocation [Translation]-4”, No. 134 - “Hibernation in the soil on the Heidegger clearing [Wintering in the Ground at Heidegger's clearing]“, No. 137, “Subterranean Five-Year[-Plan] [The Underground Five-Year-Plan]” (26.08.2014), No. 140 - “Kashchei the immortal of Collective Аctions” (12.02.2015), No. 141 - “SUMMA”).

(In the general list of CA' actions this first action of volume 13 of “Trips out of Town” is attributed the number 1204 (141)).


Forest (“N. Hagen clearing path”) to the south-east from the Kievogorskoye field.

2nd of October 2015.

A. Monastyrski, M. Sumnina, P. Voznesenski

V. Sorokin, V. Zakharov, A. Kuzkin, S. Sitar, D. Novgorodova, O. Sarkisyan, M. Leykin, I. Voznesenski, O. Petrunenko, M. Gerber.

(Translated by Marina Gerber)

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